left field outs transforma long swing short on long hitsdouble the troubleAstros 4, Cubs 3
on the dirt pulpitmanifest vindicationfor grade-school mistakesAtros 2, Cubs 7
back and forth leads swayout-blowing wind falls shortof miscue cure allBrewers 8, Cubs 6
silence chased awaythe joy catching the despairthe riot beginsBrewers 6, Cubs 7
souvenirs rain downdented Waveland hope takes flightis it all thumbs up?Brewers 5, Cubs 9
gray surround the moundin a fundamental fogeight Cubs left on base Cubs 1, Reds 3
seven strong from Zsecured by long ball flurrybasepath errs don't hauntCubs 4, Reds 3
sterling Silva starttarnished by walk, walk, grandslamfour runs fall short Cubs 4, Reds 5
Hope springs eternalas new Cubs carry the loadall stars disappointCubs 2, Braves 0
Rust-covered defenseturns three-one fastball intolosing souvenirCubs 2, Braves 3
Zambrano's rage waitsas runs grow like summer grasson pre-season hopesSeven hundred andfifty six Bentlys or getone Soriano?Cubs 5, Braves 16